
JCD Talk Lounge
“takahashi tsukiichi 38”

JCDが主催する空間デザインの多彩な面白さを語るトークイベント「タカハシツキイチ」。今回のゲストは、芦沢啓治さん。住宅、商業施設、ホテルなど幅広い設計活動のほか、プロダクトや家具のデザイン、災害復興のボランティアから始まる石巻工房など多用な活動を展開する芦沢啓治さんに活動の原動力や発想の源などを伺います。 ■開催後はYouTubeに配信予定

Date Wed, Nov 1, 2023 19:00~21:30
Venue Tokyo Design Center 5F, crafTec gallary
Entry fee 1000 yen (with one drink)
Capacity first 40 people
Guest speaker Keiji ASHIZAWA
Moderator Masaaki Takahashi
Organized by Japan Commercial Environmental Design Association

Masaaki Takahashi

Design journalist, curator and translator

Writer, translator and curator covering architecture, interiors, design and art. Contributor to national and international media, including Dutch FRAME magazine. Author of numerous books, including The Code of Architectural Presentation, The Architectural Profession's Solution and MOMNET Redifininfing Brand Experience. His translations include Geoffrey Bawa: The Complete Work of Geoffrey Bawa. He has also curated installations featuring architects, etc. He has been moderating 'Takahashi Tsukiichi' since 2018.

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