
JCD Talk Lounge
“takahashi tsukiichi 35”

JCD organises the talk event "Takahashi Tsukiichi", which discusses the variety of interesting aspects of space design. The 35 guest is Coichi Wada.
This year's speaker is Koichi Wada, representative of STUDIO KAZ, which has handled more than 1,000 custom kitchens and proposes living spaces centered around the kitchen. He will talk about the creation of ideal kitchens and dining rooms, and the key points of food space.

Date Thursday, March 23, 2023 19:00~21:30
※To be distributed on Youtube at a later date.
Venue Tokyo Design Center 5F, crafTec gallary
Entry fee 1000 yen (with one drink)
Capacity first 40 people
Guest speaker Coichi Wada
Moderator Masaaki Takahashi
Organized by Japan Commercial Environmental Design Association

Coichi Wada

株式会社STUDIO KAZ 代表取締役
トステム(現LIXIL)、設計事務所を経て1994年STUDIO KAZ設立。住空間のインテリアデザイン、キッチンデザインを中心に活動。独立以来1000件以上のオーダーキッチンに携わる。2012年より展示会「キッチンワールド」(展示会)プロデューサー。2014年よりキッチンアカデミー(工務店コンサルティング)主宰。2020年より「THE KITCHEN DEMO & lab.」(大阪)プロデューサー。著書に「キッチンをつくる/KITCHENING」(彰国社)「世界で一番やさしいインテリア」「世界で一番やさしい家具設計」(エクスナレッジ)など

Masaaki Takahashi

Design journalist, curator and translator

Writer, translator and curator covering architecture, interiors, design and art. Contributor to national and international media, including Dutch FRAME magazine. Author of numerous books, including The Code of Architectural Presentation, The Architectural Profession's Solution and MOMNET Redifininfing Brand Experience. His translations include Geoffrey Bawa: The Complete Work of Geoffrey Bawa. He has also curated installations featuring architects, etc. He has been moderating 'Takahashi Tsukiichi' since 2018.

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