
JCD Talk Lounge “Takahashi Tsukiichi 33”

JCD organises the talk event "Takahashi Tsukiichi", which discusses the variety of interesting aspects of space design.
The 33rd guest is Ryutarou Matsuura (NOMURA Co., Ltd. ). Anyone interested in architecture, interior design, design and art is welcome to attend. We look forward to your participation.

Date Thursday, October 13, 2022 19:00-21:30
Venue Tokyo Design Center 5F, crafTec gallary
Guest speaker Ryutarou Matsuura
Moderator Masaaki Takahashi
Capacity first 30 people
参加費 ¥1.000
Application Please register from the QR code of the detailed PDF below.
Organized by Japan Commercial Environmental Design Association 03-6277-4813

Ryutaro Matsuura

乃村工藝社RENS クリエイティブディレクター
1975年 生まれ、大学・大学院にて建築を専攻。
乃村工藝入社後2020年 RENS 設立。主な実績「ホテルオークラ京都岡崎別邸」「阪急メンズ東京」「福岡空港国内線」「叙々苑新宿小田急ハルク店」「ものづくりイズム館―パナソニックミュージアム」等。

Masaaki Takahashi

Design journalist, curator and translator

Writer, translator and curator covering architecture, interiors, design and art. Contributor to national and international media, including Dutch FRAME magazine. Author of numerous books, including The Code of Architectural Presentation, The Architectural Profession's Solution and MOMNET Redifininfing Brand Experience. His translations include Geoffrey Bawa: The Complete Work of Geoffrey Bawa. He has also curated installations featuring architects, etc. He has been moderating 'Takahashi Tsukiichi' since 2018.

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