
TDC Seminar ‘Now; the Nordic wooden building’

“Löyly” Public sauna by Ville Hara

Date 5th June, 2018
Venue Tokyo Design Center 5F, crafTec Gallery
Lecturer Coco Funabiki, President of Tokyo Design Center

“Tamedia” in Zurich by Shigeru Ban

Finnish forestry industry going ahead of the world forestry has long supported the Finnish architecture. Therefore in 1994 the Wood Program (Wooden Architecture Course) was established at National Aalto University and students from all over the world have studied. There is also a Wood program in the Ministry of Environment, which is a counterpart of the Forestry Agency of Japan to promote Finnish timber in the country. Ms. Funabikiintroduce the educational site and teachers of those wood programs, and will also discuss the wooden structure of middle and high-rise wooden buildings that are progressing in northern Europe and US West coast.

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