
Exhibit at IFFT Trade Fair
“Perch Project”

Date 7th~9th November 2016 10:00~18:00

Tokyo Design Center unveiled wooden office unit furniture in collaboration with Japan Design Consultant Association (JDCA) and Kusanagi Woodwork Co., Ltd. at this year's IFFT / Interior Lifestyle Living. In local cities, space for simple “co-working” is really necessary as a place to meet increasing need for people such as U turns. In addition, “nomadic” human resources who travel between large cities and local cities need an office environment where they can work independently. We thought that by providing a shared office that freely uses regional materials as a collaborative workspace and as a workplace for business trips, users can be encouraged to create creative and unique ideas. Aiming to be a community space that also serves as a base for local material introduction and dissemination activities, these furniture are designed to be used in public spaces (hospitals, universities, etc.) and private rental offices.

designed by 川上元美

designed by 小泉 誠



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